Monday, December 19, 2011

My Top 15 favorite Bitter Turmoil cards.

15) Kruig, the Eternal Baloth

14) Deathquake

13) Johann's Judgment

12) Thought Retriever (nys - not yet spoiled)

Thought Retriever is a great card for a ton of decks, and it can be used aggressively in aggro decks, or effectively in control decks. 

11) Sunblast Obliterator

10) Lost your way (nys)

A blowout card against combo, and just a nasty slap in the face against anyone else.

9) Sacir, Render of Oblivion

8) Unwavering Relic (nys)

This card helps you in so many ways, and its because of those options (plus built in protection) that gives this card a chance to very well appear in so many decks.

7) Flame Lance

6) Ranik's Ambusher (nys)

The options this guy has is sickening.  Not to mention that it can combo with certain card to turbo card it.

5) Arcanas, the Riftwoven

4) Wess, the Unstable

3) Sacir's Missive (nys)

Combos, and it just awesome by himself.

2) Nephil, the Riftmaster (nys)


1) Gruemaw, Grixis Bloodlord

But wait, the final card was just so good, number 1 on my list doesnt do it justice.  I present.....

Grand master Platinum numbero uno: Mana Burst (nys)

My favorite card of the set.  It is so OP guys that you are going to throw stuff at me and yell about how OP it is every time someone uses it.  I say bring it, because I loved designing it and I just think its swell.

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