Sunday, December 18, 2011

A helping hand.

In Weathered Hope, I had a number of cards in the set that were created/inspired by some awesome people I know.  I haven't gotten a chance to share some of the spotlight yet, so I figured now would be as good a time as any.

Jon Chrisawn's Rimewind Adept

Here is some of the convo that birthed this card:

August 29, 2010
Torio Boscacci

whats your email? i might send you some pics of some cards i have questions about. Also, i want you to design 1 balanced card that you want in this set and fits the themes, etc. You deserve it for helping me a bunch with this set
August 30, 2010
Jon Chrisawn

Sounds wicked.
August 30, 2010
Torio Boscacci

sweet! let me know what you come up with. Keywords are duration, reign, elemental, manaflare but you can do anything that you think fits.
August 31, 2010
Jon Chrisawn

Ok, here's my card. What do you think?

I can't really come up with a flavor text that I like... but I'm working on it.

The card is a 1/1 built-in Unsummon... and you can sac it to Boomerang something. I think it was too-powerful at its original mana cost (UU), so I upped it to 3U.
August 31, 2010
Torio Boscacci

up it to a 2/2 or 2/3? what rarity? or a 1/3 or 1/4? i dunno 1/1 seems to underpowered
August 31, 2010
Jon Chrisawn

i was thinking common/uncommon. upping the toughness is cool.
August 31, 2010
Torio Boscacci

Up toughness make it uncommon. Sounds like a powerhouse for blue i like it man
August 31, 2010
Jon Chrisawn

Thanks. A 1/3 uncommon seems good to me.
August 31, 2010
Torio Boscacci

sounds awesome
And here is the card that we created:

CJ Edwards' Kainel Voidrunner

August 30, 2010
Torio Boscacci

hey, i would like you to design a black planeswalker card for my set Weathered Hope. It needs to be weak in design and balanced with Caint, my white planeswalker.

Just for reference:
 Caint - The Simple 1W
 +1 - You gain 1 life.
 0 - Target creature gets protection from the color of your choice until the end of the turn.
 -9 - Caint deals 20 damage to target player and all creatures that player controls.
 Loyalty - 1

It's a normal rare, so unlike overpowered mythics this black planeswalker should be reasonable in power, but very deadly if left out for a while. If you should not to accept this mission, let me know. Please design the card in full - Artwork, name of card, etc.
August 31, 2010
Cj Edwards
Ill get to work on it, is there anyway i can get your set symbol?
August 31, 2010
Cj Edwards
i have a prototype for you, lets see if you like this, please correct my grammer if need be, i used your white Planeswalker as a good reference for it, he does basic things a black deck would do, weakly, but his ultimate takes the cake, its like Liliana on steroids lol

August 31, 2010
Torio Boscacci
If you will send me a pic of art, i'll just rebuild it on my editor, i cant figure out how to copy the set symbol. The +1 may be too powerful for that mana cost, but maybe the 1 loyalty balances it. I could also see the -1 being 0 on account of how weak it is, you can only hit creatures and its only 1 damage. I like the final ability its badass. thanks for the help love the name and the art too man.

After some tweaking, here is the final product:

Derek Yelton's Slayer Adept

I'm not really sure how this one came to be, but all I remember is being over at Derek's house talking about my magic set, and somehow we came upon this.

Thanks guys!


  1. Rimewind Adept! My old friend!

    Soul Division I love because I was the kind of guy that used to play Gather Specimens for fun... haha.

  2. Wow, I had no idea all that happened back then. Cool to see how these were made. I'm scared to see what you cooked up

