Thursday, December 22, 2011

Magic the Gathering 2011: Top 5 Best things to happen for Magic this year.

Top 5 Best things to happen for Magic in 2011:

5) Modern
- The Modern format was a much needed refresher to the extended format.  Extended was close to dead, and people got to the point where they didn't want to invest into standard, since the card price would just cut dramatically after rotation.  Modern keeps some of those high played cards some value after rotation, and just provide another eternal format that should appeal to those of us that have been loyal to the game for the last 10 years or so, but were not 'grandfathered' into the system enough to have the cards for legacy.
Quick Aside: I do not think that Modern alone is the answer for depreciating card values from standard.  While it does help, it is a huge card pool and being that it is an eternal format, that card pool will continue to grow, and at some point or another its going to be legacy (for the most part).  Wizards has to keep printing powerful cards into standard to keep the people playing, and if all of the most powerful cards end up in modern, they may have to amend it again.  I don't know what the solution is, but I really do think - while modern was a decent step - we need more out of our cards then just a couple of years. 

4) Event Decks
- The event decks, while just another lame excuse on Wizards part to sell expensive cardboard, is actually a great investment for many players.  One came with 2 Goblin guides, one had 2 Stoneforge mystics and a Mirran crusader, one had 4 freaking Dismembers. No, these arent going to win FNM's like they claim (unless your play group has no idea how to build or play) but they are a great way to start on a deck and they also tend to be an efficient way to build your collection.

3) The Rotation of Lightning Bolt
- This one is good and bad.  The good news is the 3 damage menace is gone, and it was overpowered.  Creatures like Olivia, Bloodline keeper, and Fiend hunter can now live longer.  Karn can -3 when hitting the board without fear of the 1 mana counter.  No more double bolting Titans.  The only problem is that Shock and to a lesser extent, Incinerate, suck.  If we had a 1 mana red spell that did 2.5 damage, then I think we would have a fair enough card.
A tad clunky, but it gets you where you need
to go.

2) Innistrad
- Innistrad was as refreshing as it was clean.  A solid start for a seemingly solid block, Innistrad has a lot going for it.  Bringing back flashback was enough to get me on board.  The transform mechanic, while a tad clunky provides some neat change to the way we treat cards, and thankfully not many of those cards will see play in constructed.  The overall theme deserves some praise as well, their goal was to tell a story that enveloped all of the horror troupes within it, and I believe this hit this idea home. All in all, I'm very pleased with Innistrad, and I look forward to the next sets to come.

1) response to the cheater, Alex Bertoncini.

At first, I had no idea SCG had any balls at all.  But after this, I have no choice but to admit that they not only have the testes, they also have very large ones at that.  Check out what they had to say about the cheater:

"In accordance with this policy, I will not be awarding Alex Bertoncini with any cash prizes or appearance fees from the Charlotte Invitational. Instead,I will be donating all cash prizes and appearance fees Alex was scheduled to receive from the Charlotte Invitational (totaling $10,250) directly to the Child's Play charity, an organization that provides toys and games to children in hospitals across the world.

I am also stripping Alex of the titles of Charlotte Invitational Champion and 2011 Player of the Year. The 2011 Invitational: Charlotte Champion is now Adam Prosak. The 2011 Player of the Year is now Gerry Thompson. I congratulate both players on their excellent performances in both the Invitational and during the 2011 Open Series season. I wish them both the best and hope to see them at future Open Series events." - SCG President Pete Hoefling

Look forward to the Top 5 Worst things to happen to Magic in 2011 - coming soon!

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