Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Purple - Part 2

A more expensive Arc Lightning, which makes
sense because purple isn't very good at emulating red.
However, it is good at tacking on special
enhancements, such as flashback, in this case.
This is one of the most efficient burn spells
Purple has to offer, and therefore, this will
likely be the most played.

Played in the wrong deck, this card is a horrid
FAIL.  In the right deck, this card can be almost as
powerful as Green Sun's Zenith.

An inefficient tutor, that might be a requirement
in a purple "dredge" deck.  The reason it would be
inefficient is because if thats the route you plan to
go then this is effectively a 3 mana Entomb.

At first glance, this might not seem to effective.
However, strong magic players might see its uses.
In response to your Mind Control, I'll tuck this guy
into my little storage facility, where you cant touch him.
The biggest part about this card is that it cantrips, which
makes very playable in the maindeck.

Before I had the name for this card, I designed what it
did.  Then the name wasn't so hard to figure out.

I haven't really put this to the test, but I'm guessing
that someone will find a way to break this.  I know a way
to use it to gain a crap ton of life, but I'm more worried about
someone losing 40 or so life to this card. We shall see
what you guys come up with.

seems like a really bad discard effect, but the
upside is you can target yourself.

Combos with Devour Thought.  Also combos very very
well with Rapture's Summation, so keep that in mind.

4 mana is a little steep, but the chance for a 2 for 1
seems worth it.

Volcanic Hammer!  not too exciting, but
will be used in limited to be certain.

Horrible blaze.

Ever play against that guy that just has to play out
their hand all in one turn?  Just show him this card
after he plays his hand and watch him stomp off
in a nerd rage!

I wanted to recreate Cruel Ultimatum for purple.
This is as nasty as I wanted to get.

The best card in set.  Hands down.  You thought
Counterspell was OP?  How do you like Mana Burst?
This makes sense to me, as Purple is supposed to
be better at countermagic then Blue.  That's all the
defense I have, so let me have it, for making such
an overpowered card.  *ducks under his desk*

Purple's weaker version of mind sludge, but
again, you can target yourself, and sometimes that's

This effectively counters all spells on the stack, if it
resolves.  Think mindbreak trap.  Then instead of putting them
into a graveyard, they forget those cards instead.  Useful
if you plan on reviving spells in your opponents
Forgotten zone.

The applications for this card are many.

Simple enough.

You could build a deck just around this card.

This card pulls double duty as a pump and
as a token generator.  Sadly, purple isn't much of
a color for using tokens well.  Except for maybe
with this card......

Combos with "Portal from a Raging World". 
Otherwise, a weaker Eldrazi Monument.

If you can get this one out early, it could
cause some heavy disruption.  If its late, then it
will largely be ignored.

This could easily trump all of the other Zeniths. 
Its an Akroma's Vengeance, or a Death Cloud. 
Pick your massive removal spell, because this card
will be the major sweeper in purple control.

I just had to do it.  Go forth, and break this card!

1 mana essence scatter?  Sign me up!  Did
I mention that purple can counter like a boss?

We already talked about this one, didn't we?

Negate, shock, and green hate?  All rolled into a
nice little 2 mana bundle?  How can you go wrong?

1 mana divination if you set it up correctly.

"OMG you are gonna give purple fog?  I thought
purple didn't get any green effects?  OP OP OP!"
Ok, so first off, you are gonna complain about Fog
being OP?  Second, have you ever heard of a card called
"Holy Day"?  What about "Darkness"?  Third, the flavor
is there, and it just makes sense for this card to exist in

Hope you guys enjoyed purple!
Remember, the more feedback and hits I get, the more often I will feel like getting this stuff out to you!  So let the feedback commence!


  1. hey i got a card for u its like a sun zenith with you or your opponent or both forget X cards from the top of their libairy. and its cost is 1 rift or 2 and X.

  2. yeah thats a cool idea. I could def see that with these cards. Like this:

    Purple Sun's Zenith XP
    Any number of target players forget the top X cards of their libraries.
