Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Purple Part 1 - Creatures

Starting things off with a BANG!  Please note that
this is indeed part of the lord cycle, however, I could
not find a way to do the "Futureshift" frame in purple.
This guy allows you to cast anything in your forgotten zone
OR your opponents, which, if you are playing purple, hopefully
you have been 'stacking your deck' by forgetting
lots of stuff.

One of those "Risk Factor" cards, sometimes
you will be able to turn that downside into
a huge upside, and sometimes you'll be stuck with
this in your hand for a long time.

Neat Fact: This card used to be rare.  I finally
realized that it did not say "Tap this creature:
Draw a Card"

This guy is all about setting up Arcancas for you.

A big creature thats sure to be a winner in limited.

Great card.  One drop, tribal, and it enables you to
start forgetting things in a hurry. 

Limited wrecking ball.  Might see it in constructed,
but there is a lot of competiton.

Spiketail Hatching 2.0 - and thats a good thing.

Despite the apparent name swap fail, which has
already been corrected, this is the perfect distraction
for your more important threats.  Like...

Big Daddy purple titan has entered the building.
What it lacks in size he makes up for in the ability
to freeze your opponents tempo dead in their tracks.

Flying is always good in limited.  Plus it has
a pretty sweet upside.

Not sure why, but I really wanted 1 card to have
Absorb, and I chose this to be a suitable host.

Air elemental on crack.

Killer in limited, decent anywhere else.

I wanted to mimic the Woolly Thocter and the
Leatherback Baloth of the good old times.  If you
can clear the way, this card is overpowered.  If you can't,
he is easily taken down.

Part of the discard cycle and a solid one at that.
Can see it hitting constructed.

Gatekeeper with Kicker, please!

Another one drop option.  Pulls double duty as
a cheap defense but as a last ditch effort you can
ramp with it.

I'm going to say this is one of the dud rares in the set. 
Still, I see it owning limited so much that I cannot put it
an a lower rarity.

Neat, new, and nifty.

The force is strong with this one.

Superfly.  Has options and both of them rock. 
Solid on his own as flyers in this set are few and
far between.

One of the coolest dwellers. 


  1. Great cards! I love purples one-drop options.

  2. Can't say how much I'm loving this. Didn't know what to expect but of course I wasn't let me down. Gotta say these cards are really well made. I could honestly see them being real. The Mel cards are really strong and Melor looks sick. I'm definitely gonna be trying my hand at purple.

