Tuesday, June 28, 2011

M12 Spoilers - Visions from Beyond and the Mill deck of the Future.

I have never been so excited about running mill as I am right now.  The only problem is since M12 is so damn focused on making great cards for mill, many others will be running it as well.  But let's talk abut this incredible new card.  Let's compare it to the card it is made after.  Ancestral Recall.  Of course, this card is less powerful than recall.  But, if you do meet the requirements, which you indeed would in either Dredge in Legacy or Mill in standard or legacy, then you get the power of a draw three for 1 at instant speed!  That's insane!  Brainstorm is considered one of the most powerful cards in Legacy and this card is even more potent! 

What cards do we have at our disposal for the mill deck of the future thus far?  Heres a few:

Hedron Crab
Tome Scour
Archive Trap
Visions of Beyond
Jace's Archivist
Jace's Erasure
Belltower Sphinx
Merfolk Mesmerist
Chancellor of the Spires?
Sword of Body and Mind
Keening Stone

Call to Mind
Mana Leak
Spell Pierce
Prateor's Grip
Sadistic Sacrament
Go for the Throat
Deciever Exarch

Seems like a few different routes we could go with this.  Any ideas guys?


  1. I stil enjoy my consecrated sphinx Jace's Archivist idea. Your right though,i hate that they're going to make mill mainstream at this rate, I'm suppose to be the only loser who thinks its good.

  2. There's gotta be some kind of mill combo with the sphinx and other stuff too.
