Friday, June 17, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - SPHINX!

So yeah, Sphinx.

Its a tribal creature type within Bitter Turmoil.  Weathered Hope brought us a couple more traditional Sphinx creatures, but Bitter Turmoil really pushes the tribe toward seeing some play.  Let's take a look at the older cards from Weathered Hope:

From this, we can tell the following:

- Sphinx creatures are usually blue
- They seem to all have flying
- They all cost 5 or more mana
- They do not get their value in the mana vs power/toughness ratio
- They resist death, and if they are easily killed, they have yet a purpose still.

This is a pretty accurate assessment of Sphinx cards in standard, such as Sphinx of Jwar Isle, Concrecrated Sphinx, etc.  Let see what Bitter Turmoil has in store for us:

The lord Sphinx is very mana efficent when used with morph, it gives your other sphinxs a boost and is a solid body as well.  its true value lies in being able to draw a card when casting Sphinxs (note: they just have to be cast, it doesnt matter if they are countered!)  This allows you to chain draw when you have enough mana.

The smallest Sphinx (so far), it has solid value for the mana cost, plus is a tribal to boot. 

This is part of the 8 mana cost Legendary Cycle, but ignore that for now.  Tremendous Value here, cant be targeted, and its triggered ablity is sickening. 

The first Sphinx that isnt an auto include, its pretty good value and a handy trick for protecting your stuff.

Kinda weird card, but it shouldnt be too hard to make this guy broken.

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