Monday, June 13, 2011

Favorite new M12 Spoilers

They just announced a slew of new non-rare M12 spoilers, so heres my favorite 6 from those spoiled:

This is an instant Vicious HungerVicious Hunger never seen a ton of play, but it was used in some mono-black decks against smaller creatures and when they cared about lifegain.  Instant makes this card twice as good, and I have no doubt this will be a premier removal spell used in mono-black, especially since we are going from bolt to shock, which after rotation means this is on the same power level as bolt.  It's good guys.

Are you serious?  A 1/1 shroud is nasty enough (nimble mongoose?) but hexproof means you can overpump him without taking any risks (barring flash creatures like D Exarch).  Will be huge in elves and green beatdown decks.

A lot of removal is rotating out, so this card might make it into standard.  However, the reason i love this card is because it is a bomb in limited.  It also gives a power boost!  Its just a super card at attacking and defending.  It says your creature is unblockable in case you didnt catch that part.  It also chump blocks an infinte amount of times. 

Snakeform was a big deal back in the day, and Turn to Frog, while having a horrid name, pays homage to Snakeform.  Heres the differences:
- Snakeform could be played in blue or green decks, whereas Turn to Frog requires blue.
- Snakeform cantripped (replaces itself with another card, thereby losing no card advantage).  Now this is a problem, seeing how this kind of effect potentially will not gain you card advantage. 
- Turn to Frog costs 1 less mana.  This is good, since we are in a faster metagame and we need to hit this off faster.  However, this does not outweigh the disadvantages.

Can this be played in standard?  Well, how is it going to help us?  Yeah, it is superb vs the likes of Baneslayer Angel and Inferno Titan, but how are decks killing us most of the time?

- Squadron Hawk Equipped with Sword of War and Peace: Bad.  Sure, it loses flying.  But its still a 3/3 that when it connects it swings the game around.

- Batterskull: Horrible.  You'll turn the 0/1 into a 1/1.  Not good at all.

- Deciever Exarch With Splinter Twin: Fair.  You'll buy yourself a turn unless you can follow this up with a shock or something.

A ton of Goblins: Bad.  You might prevent a damage or two, which is not a good application of a card and two mana.

- Wurmcoil Engine/Titans/Obliterator: Fair to Good.  Again, you'll need to follow this up with removal or a block.

Verdict: NO.  However, when the meta changes, this will have a chance to shine.

I like this card.  It doubles as land destruction and a neat little aftereffect that might help you score some damage early or alpha strike for the win later on in the game.

This guy is worth a mention.  For a 2/1 beats his price is fair and later in the game you can pour all your mana into this and top deck a win.  I will probably run these in most of my non-aggresive blue decks to trade early and gain a huge advantage late game.  Also great in limited!

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