Huge Blog!
I got this one in FOUR sections.
- Bitter Turmoil (custom)
- Aftermath (custom)
-M12 spoilers
- Innistrad spoilers!!!!
Bitter Turmoil Updates
So everyone knows about the "lord" cycle in BT I mentioned earlier, right? And I already spoiled the first lord for you guys. Don't remember? Well, here is a refresher:
I also mentioned each of these lords have a "squire" or "assistant", an uncommon card that helps their master make the most of their powerful ablities. Here is Gruemaw's.
I'll let you guys have a moment to think about that interaction there. Got it? Good.
Moving on, I'm going to reveal the lord for...
wait for it...
While I will admit that this isnt strictly better than their black counterparts at face value, this is a potent lord just waiting for another card to make it super uber mega broken *hint hint*.
No. I'm not spoiling it right now.
Sorry, aint gonna happen.
Anyways, I still could use more playtesters for this set, so message me if you would be interested.
Yeah, I'm not 100% done with BT, but all the cards are finished and just need more playtesting to fix balancing issues.
Yeah, I'm nearly halfway done with the set that comes after it, Aftermath.
Some answers for some questions that may come up:
- Purple still exists. It isnt like it is in BT (nearly 50% of the set). It sees about as much love as artifacts do. I will still continue to support it, however I think I gave it plenty of horribleness in BT to last it a good while. Long story short, it's still here, but it's gonna see a lot less cards per set.
- Aftermath is set 3 of 3 in the Weathered Hope Block. It is a small set (100-125 cards). Drafts will be AM-BT-WH.
- I am not 100% sure if I plan to make any sets past Aftermath. I already started working on a few sets but I'm not certain if they will be put into motion. Just depends on how well this block is recieved.
- Theme. The set theme is all about cycles. I.E. Titans, Leylines, etc. Over 50% of the set is a card that is in a cycle of some sort. Some cycles include purple and/or artifacts, others just include the 5 main colors. Most cycles are based on one reprint: here's an example.
- Lightning Bolt
- Shinebolt
- Darkbolt
- Mistbolt
- Earthbolt
- Lapsing Bolt
And here is the first official spoiler for Aftermath!
M12 Updates
So M12 just had a few more cards spoiled, and I want to touch base on two of them that caught my attention.
Now Angelic Destiny seems like a strictly better Armored Ascension. I'm not sure how much the angel 'bonus' will help, but I wont discount it. Innistrad seems like it will be a killer set and it might decide to make use of it. Either way this card is sick but if you have a token generator (Maybe even Awakening Zone will break this? Elspeth also comes to mind.) this becomes broken.
Jace 3.0 is underwhelming, but at least he confirms that mill will enter standard once again. I like the card advantage of his +1 and he seems like he could mill someone fast on his own.
And last but not least, I believe I have some Innistrad spoilers for you guys. Here are SIX spoilers for you guys. Enjoy.