Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Black

The Volatile mechanic is a simple one, but it
seemed both flavorful and useful in this set,
albeit in small doses. If many things had this
mechanic it would make anything with low toughness
useless.  I made the creature have to attack each
turn to give green an "out" to this threat.  They
can kill it merely by dropping a fatty.

Perhaps a little underpowered, but the most obvious
application of this card (Use it for mana and ramp
into his master, the 8 mana Bali) is a strong play
in this format.

This guy just screams value.  No, hes not gonna
win you the game, but he can chump block
like a champ and keep you alive long enough
to drop your big stuff.  I'm pretty sure if I can free
up an uncommon slot that his guy will be jumped
up in rarity.

Not impressive for the stats, but the fact that
it can fit into two very potent tribal decks is
worth noting.

Insanity against white or green of course.
Fair against anything else.  Of course, edict
effects are pretty rare in this sets so it may
see play regardless.

This card was designed to help fuel many of the
zombie and elf guards that need cards in the

The drawback isnt too awful bad, unless they are
chump blocking you with little guys.

Part of the discard cycle.  Pretty weak discard

Part of the Lord cycle.  What can I say?  I was
wanting to make an OP black card and this happened.
When designing this guy, I thought to myself -
"How can I make an awesome black card that tops
Grave Titan?  This is what I arrived on.  Enjoy.

A little confusing, but the idea is to have him on
the field whenever Gruemaw clears the field. 
The result?  You'll replace him with a 2/2 zombie
and in return your Gruemaw will be a 6/6 with shroud.


Usually these types of effects are a little underused
and underpowered, but if you remember tendrils
of corruption then this might be of some use to you.
Instant speed in response to mass removal seems good.

Fun fact: At first, this was a black and green card
with a red activation cost.

Well, black needed an enchantment.  It's pretty
fun in limited at least.

I love the huge toughness on a black creature.
You dont find that often.

Overpowered, overcosted and usually game
ending.  Part of the "I WIN" cycle.



  1. I love love LOVE these. Lots of fun lots of flavor lot of balance so far which is impressive after viewing a couple other player created sets, and the pictures you use are pretty spot on. Really digging the flavor texts. I know I mentioned this the other day and you didn't fail to deliver. All in all 9/10.
    Ps while its close gotta say my top fav card out of black has got to be Rift Bloodweaver. Really can't find anything I don't like about that card. Wish I had the art as a mat.


  2. Thanks man that means a lot. Wish I could go all out and have custom art for them but then again I'm not making any money so what can you do?

    Its interesting the transformation these cards have made since I started on this block. When I began working on Weathered Hope back in 09, it was going to be a stand-alone custom set just for fun. But as I evolved in my card making skills I refined the list and fined tuned the set and made it into the 3 set block we see today. Its really amazing seeing some of these cards that made it all the way from that first list I made, but 98% had to be changed or scrapped. I spent nearly 2 years just refining this set and getting all the little details right, because if you miss one thing then it dominos on you. Some questions come up when you look at the set as a whole:

    "How does it draft?"
    "I only play mono-green. Does this set appeal to me?"
    "I don't like complicated. I like to just play cards that do things. Does this set accomplish that?"
    "I play control. I have to have complex cards that give multiple choices and create game winning decisions. Will this set stimulate my brain?"
    "I only play multiplayer games. Does this set give some global effects that support this type of gameplay?"

    I tryed to analyze all of the scenarios, while at the same time making this set my own. I also wanted to recapture the feel that playing Magic gave me back in the early 2000's, because back then we didnt just resolve a Titan and call game. Still, I had to instill some level of power that was consistent with the Magic we play today or it would be too difficult to transistion between the custom format and the standard format.

    Keep the comments coming, and I'll keep the content rolling out as planned! Red is next!

  3. It's great seeing high cost spells that are useful or at least fun. Can't wait to see the rest.
