Monday, November 28, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Red

I already had a discussion on the walkers, but
heres the details: She pings for light damage,
sends lava axes with legs at her opponents, and obliterates
the opposition with her ulitmate.  What's not to love?

Anyone remember Hellspark Elemental?  This
is Hellspark Elemental.  On crack. 

I'm not going to say the mana cost is worth the effect,
but I do think the versatility is what makes this
worth playing.  Sometimes, albeit rarely, you would rather
have a 2/2 creature for 3 then have a removal spell.
And I really love the 'dual' factor of this card.
It's like "Hey bro, I burned yo couch and i'm gonna
set you on fire and you CANT STOP THA FIRE BRO!"
Seriously, this is the true meaning of card advantage.

Ok, this is the most ground breaking card of
the set most likely.  I created a world without
Lightning Bolt, so therefore creatures with 3 toughness
are king.  But this card not only trumps that
theory, but it also takes it a step further.
All of the mythic 'hero' cards are 4/4 creatures,
and they are all dispatched by a one mana red card.
The catch is they have to attack with it.  The cool
thing about the hero cycle is that they generate a
HUGE amount of advantage the moment they enter the
battlefield, and the fact that they have a 4/4 body to
boot is just the icing on the cake.  So, with this in
mind, if your opponent has one untapped
red mana, you might not be as aggressive.

Combos with Rais.  We are getting there!

Reprint.  I had to put this in the red section
even though it says its not a red card.  Guess
I just have a problem with "structure" and "rules"

One of the most insane cards you can drop
when you have an awesome board.  One of the
worst cards to top deck after your opponent
plays Day of Judgment

In the planning stages, I said that I wanted to
find a way to create a Siege-Gang Commander
at common rarity. 

This card was rare at first at 4 mana, then uncommon
at 5 mana.  The biggest issue with this card at
common is limited, and this set just doesnt have enough
duration to make it effective.  However it does play very well
with my previous set, and perhaps with my future set,
so I decided not to give it the axe.

An instant Pyroclasm with a potential upside.

One of those fun "color-hate[lmao])" cards
that are probably worth main decking in limited
because it always does something as opposed
to Combust


Better than Inferno Titan?  This guy is awesome,
at an easy 10-11 worth of power, and like inferno titan, he
gets some damage in on the first turn.  Splits the
threats making it harder to deal with.  It doesnt
sound like much on paper, but trust me: 
This one is insane.

And who said running red didnt require any thought?

Part of the discard cycle.  Notable for being
one of the better ones.

I had no idea that I had reprint Searing Blaze
(for the most part) until just now.

Hot Damn I love this guy!  He can friggin cast
 lightning bolts!  All he needs is a little time.

Pretty sweet against a deck with little creatures.

And here, I demonstrate my uber ability to
create totally original......nevermind its just Staggershock.

The red "IWIN" card.  No need to comment,
just read the mofo.  He doesnt really card if you have
100 life because he's gonna deal like 30 or so
damage a turn.

Generic red enchantment.  It's really not bad,
just not exciting.  We have to cater to the simple
folk too guys!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Black

The Volatile mechanic is a simple one, but it
seemed both flavorful and useful in this set,
albeit in small doses. If many things had this
mechanic it would make anything with low toughness
useless.  I made the creature have to attack each
turn to give green an "out" to this threat.  They
can kill it merely by dropping a fatty.

Perhaps a little underpowered, but the most obvious
application of this card (Use it for mana and ramp
into his master, the 8 mana Bali) is a strong play
in this format.

This guy just screams value.  No, hes not gonna
win you the game, but he can chump block
like a champ and keep you alive long enough
to drop your big stuff.  I'm pretty sure if I can free
up an uncommon slot that his guy will be jumped
up in rarity.

Not impressive for the stats, but the fact that
it can fit into two very potent tribal decks is
worth noting.

Insanity against white or green of course.
Fair against anything else.  Of course, edict
effects are pretty rare in this sets so it may
see play regardless.

This card was designed to help fuel many of the
zombie and elf guards that need cards in the

The drawback isnt too awful bad, unless they are
chump blocking you with little guys.

Part of the discard cycle.  Pretty weak discard

Part of the Lord cycle.  What can I say?  I was
wanting to make an OP black card and this happened.
When designing this guy, I thought to myself -
"How can I make an awesome black card that tops
Grave Titan?  This is what I arrived on.  Enjoy.

A little confusing, but the idea is to have him on
the field whenever Gruemaw clears the field. 
The result?  You'll replace him with a 2/2 zombie
and in return your Gruemaw will be a 6/6 with shroud.


Usually these types of effects are a little underused
and underpowered, but if you remember tendrils
of corruption then this might be of some use to you.
Instant speed in response to mass removal seems good.

Fun fact: At first, this was a black and green card
with a red activation cost.

Well, black needed an enchantment.  It's pretty
fun in limited at least.

I love the huge toughness on a black creature.
You dont find that often.

Overpowered, overcosted and usually game
ending.  Part of the "I WIN" cycle.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Complete Spoiler: Blue

Sphinx Lord.  Aggressively costed for what it
does.  Makes the Sphinx tribe a viable option.

Limited Hero.  Not too impressive otherwise.
Would be a great powerful equipment holder
should any exist in this world.

Top Tier common.  So few common flyers to
compete with this.  Also will be a roleplayer
in the Sphinx deck.

Eh?  I guess its a sideboard option.  Anti-bomb
in limited.

Backbreaking advantage on top of a huge body
thats hard to stop.  Plus, its a sphinx?!? 
Great value here.

Seems useless, but might see some sideboard play
if it finds some targets.  Horrid in limited.

Maybe a bit underpowered, but the value of
those options are worth it.  One of the few
"Anti-Purple" cards.

Pretty insane in the Sphinx deck as well as limited.

Lots of mana.  I feel this guy is awesome at controlling
the game, but he can't wrap it up on his own.  Use
him as a ulitilty, not as a main focus.

OP.  Common?  What was I smoking?  This guy
is going to own limited.  Not many bodies that
large in the common bracket to beat over it, plus
if he loses defender then he is a game winner.

Eh.  One of those fun cards that really isnt
going to win you the game.  But its fun.

Reprint.  Was sick back in the day.


Like Rewind?  Like Concentrate?  Have both!

6 toughness is really large.  The most relevant effect
of the dweller cycle so its almost titan like that even
if they kill her you still get the 'loot' effect.

Seems good with instant speed card draw.
Plays well with his leader...

This dude is absurd.  So I'm gonna get a 4/4 for 6. 
Meh.  But its flash, so that helps, right?
Oh crap, I get to counter a spell with it too?
And wait, now I get to put that Grave Titan I
countered into play under my control?  And
basically you can't play anything that doesnt kill this guy
for the rest of the game? 
Seems Good.