Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Starting Price: $59.99
Current Price: $49.99
SCG buylist price: $25.00
Sorin is the most tricky card in Dark Ascension to evaluate price wise. B/W tokens is indeed overhyped, at least until Ratchet Bomb and Sword of War and Peace rotates. In any case, Sorin is a powerful but not broken card. He feels like a $25-$30 card to me, but if the rumors are true, then Dark Ascension will be like Worldwake, which means there are less packs available and therefore less packs cracked. This will shoot the price up, and if B/W tokens becomes a real contender post Scars, then Sorin will surely become a $50-$60 card.
Final Verdict: Pick these up right now if you ever plan on playing B/W tokens. If you are iffy about B/W tokens, but still want the Sorins, wait a few months and pick them up when they dip.
Huntmaster of the Fells
Starting Price: $19.99
Current Price: $14.99
SCG buylist price: $5.00
Well, it's no secret that Huntmaster is fixing to plummet in price. If SCG is offering $5.00 trade in credit, then its safe to say Huntmaster will be dropping to $9.99 very soon. That said, Huntmaster has to be the most surprising card in this set. I had a chance to test it out in a RUG type deck recently and I was very impressed with the way it just dominates the game if your opponent cannot remove it quickly. I would be willing to compare its power to even the likes of Hero of Bladehold.
Final Verdict: Huntmaster will dip in price, but I recommend picking them up once they do. It's a fine green sun's zenith target, and once Scars rotates, I see this guy stepping up into the spotlight.
Starting Price: $9.99
Current Price: $5.99
SCG buylist: $2.00
If we go by my theory on SCG buylist prices, then if this goes to $3.99, then this card will have been the most overhyped card of the set. More than a 50% depreciation in less than 2 weeks marks this card as a huge overhype, and many people who preordered this in playsets are shooting themselves in the foot right now. That said, this is a very solid sideboard card in legacy vs dredge. Time will tell if it will impact standard at some point. Being an artifact is a huge downside, since we have Ancient Grudge in standard, Red/green decks can trade just one card for 2 of these.
Final Verdict: It might be worth picking up a pair of these when they hit 4 bucks. I would not over invest into these, however, since the disadvantage of being an artifact is a quite the liability these days.
Bone to Ash
Price isn't really an issue here, but I just wanted to point out that this card exists. I think this is as close to Dismiss as we are going to get. Every deck is going to run creatures in some fashion or another, so this should be at least a 1 of in your control decks. Being able to negate their whole turn and punish them by making them go down a card and you maintaining your card advantage is nothing to scoff at.
Final Verdict: This is the best Anti-titan card, hands down. A fine 1-of, and you should make room for 1 or 2 in your board.
Strangleroot Geist
Starting Price: $0.99
Current Price: $1.99
SCG buylist: $0.10
Even though the price on him went up, he is extremely overhyped. Yes, he might find a home at some point, but he has two places right now: Birthing Pod and Mono-Green. He's great in Pod but in tri-color decks how often does he hit turn 2? Turn 3? And he's one of the strongest plays in Mono-Green, but Mono-Green just doesn't have enough cards to make it right now.
Final Verdict: I see this card being a true player in 6 months, but right now you need to store him on a dusty shelf and don't fall for the trap.
Starting Price: $29.99
Current Price: $29.99
SCG buylist: $17.50
This guy is the real deal. Even I didn't think he would impact standard the way he has. I do think that he is mostly played in standard so once he rotates, he will drop like a rock in price, but if you plan on playing standard for the next 2 years, you better jump on the snapcaster wagon and shell out $120 for your playset.
Final Verdict: A huge player in all formats, and used more than Jace 2.0 was in standard. You aren't going to be able to get around playing $30 for the best card in standard, so just buy them now.
Looks like im staying outta blue again this time, just cant afford to play with the big boys lol. This is looking pretty solid but i gotta ask why huntmaster jumped again. Hes up to 30 now lol
ReplyDeleteI did indeed think that he would hit 30, but I was thinking post-rotation lol. He jumped early because people are understanding his power level. He is by no means broken, but at the worst he is decent and if the game drags out he will continue to flip and keep on giving you value.