Monday, July 11, 2011

M12 Sealed Primer - Making the best out of nothing

M12 sealed can often times be pretty straightforward.  You pull a titan, build around it, done.  In my case, my bomb was...

which is probably good enough to merit building a deck around it.  Sadly, my green pool was:
- 1 Autumn's Veil
- 1 Archanus Web
- 3 Bountful Harvest
- 2 Fog
- 1 Giant Spider
- 1 Lure
- 1 Runeclaw Bear
Nothing exciting here.  And double green is pretty hard to splash.  I decided in the end to go with a removal heavy fast deck with some stalling aspects:

2 Shock
1 Bloodrage Vampire
1 Stormblood Berserker
3 Doom Blade
1 Chandra's Outrage
1 Gravedigger
1 Onyx Mage
1 Crimson Mage
1 Child of Night
1 Goblin Tunneler
2 Tormented Soul
1 Volcanic Dragon
1 Devouring Swarm
1 Reassembling Skeleton
1 Tectonic Rift
1 Call to the Grave
2 Goblin Arsonist
1 Goblin Fireslinger
1 Kite Shield
9 Swamp
7 Mountain

At first glance, it looks like a rough deck, besides the heavy removal from doom blades and such.  Another look will show you some synergy between the cards:

- The two bloodthirst creatures I ran are both heavy hitters.  Luckily I have so many enablers in this deck.  Besides traditional methods such as normal combat and shocks, heres some star bloodthirst enablers:

- Goblin Fireslinger
- Tormented Soul
- Goblin Arsonist
- Goblin Tunneler
- Tectonic Rift

Call to the Grave was a huge stall game that let the game drag on and put my opponent in an awkward postion.  I had two ways to keep it up:

- Gravedigger
- Reassembling Skeleton

I also had a large amount of removal:
- 2 Shock
- 3 Doom Blade
- 1 Chandra's Outrage
- 2 Goblin Arsonist
- 1 Call to the Grave

- Nearly every bit of damage was evasive as well:
- 2 Tormented Soul
- 1 Goblin Fireslinger
- 2 Shock
- 2 Goblin arsonist
- 1 Goblin Tunneler
- 1 Volanic Dragon
- 1 Devouring Swarm
- 1 Stormblood Berserker

So a lot of things just come together and many play mulitple roles in this deck.  This is not by any means a great deck, and it did require luck.  I had to beat down my opponent before I ran out of steam or it was pretty much over (unless I got lucky with a Call to the Grave.)

My favorite play was playing a shock targeting my own Reassembling Skeleton in response to my opponents Timely Reinforcements.  My opponent still gained the 6 life but thankfully he didnt get the 3 1/1 tokens.  That play bought me enough time to win the game.

So my advice to my fellow sealed deck players:

- Bomb cards are game winners, but only play them if they are in your color or its easy to splash
- Manalith, Greatsword, Kite Shield, and Solemn Simulacrum should be auto includes in any deck.
- Read the cards.  Some might work differently than they first appear.
- Check for your strongest cards for each color, and see which ones have the most.  For example, you have the following:

1x Oblivion Ring
1x timely reinforcements
1x Serra Angel
1x Stormfront Pegasus
2x Gideon's Lawkeeper

1x Smallpox
1x Distress
1x Grave Titan
1x Taste of Blood

2x Aven Fleetwing
1x Ponder
1x Levation
1x Frost Breath
1x Azure Mage

1x Garruk, Primal Hunter
2x Lure
1x Fog
2x Vastwood Gorger
1x Bountiful Harvest

1x Stormblood Berserker
2x Goblin Fireslinger
1x Fireball
1x Incinerate
1x Lightning Elemental
1x Goblin War Paint

If you could pick any two colors, which would they be?  Put your choice below and let's see what everyone thinks!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you didn't get to use your Hydra. I watched someone win the midnight prerelease sealed with it.

    And for the two colors, assuming everything else is crap or there aren't any other cards, I'd go white for the removal, board advantage, and flyers, green for the wurms and Garruk, and splash red for even more removal and good creatures.
