Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bitter Turmoil - Meet the Walkers!

Kept secret for far to long, the Planeswalkers from the custom set Bitter Turmoil emerge!  They come in all sorts of colors and sizes, and have some really powerful ablities!  There are 6 in total, and here we go:

Mimicking her distant cousin, Chandra, she pings for light damage before she obliterates your opponents boards with her fiery ultimate.  YOUCH!

Pricey, but worth it, Jinx is the best at one thing: Defense.  He will either place tokens to chump block (or trade!) with, or return your opponents biggest threat to their hand while netting you card advantage. His ultimate will clear the way and his elementals will quickly destroy your foe before they can resolve an answer.

Lork has emerged!  With all the new purple counterspells Lork finds a way to sneak your elves onto the battlefield.  Once they hit the board you can use Lork to untap your mana elves and produce extra mana!  Once you have a good setup, use Lork's modded version of Overrun (use your elves' tap ablilties first to take full advantage of it) to win the game.

Ranik seems to have picked up where Garruk left off, but not before adding his own demented twist on his ablities.  Sure, untapping land is great early on, but later in the game you can untap creatures and give them a nasty boost!  Weaken or remove the opposition easily with Ranik, before turning all of your creatures into withering powerhouses to finish the game.

The Dark Angel Sacir has arrived with his army of Angels, Demons, and Tainted Myr to smite everyone and everything else.  He will quickly turn the tables with his first attacks as each one devastates your enemies and benefits yourself.  And soon after, your opponents side of the board will completely disappear, along with their hope.

And for the last one:

Nah, I think I'll hold off on that.

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