First of all, I'd like to introduce you to...
Ok, let's have a chat with this saucy lil' number.
Me: Hi Lil, its nice to have you with us again.
Lil: Always a pleasure, Torio.
Me: Ok, so last year you were, how shall I put this, less than desirable.
Lil: I'd have to disagree. I showed up in a number of decks, from U/B control, to Darkblade, to MBC.
Me: As a one of.
Lil: Still, its undeniable that I seen some action.
Me: So last year, you were pretty costly. Like 15 mana or so?
Lil: 5. I was no Emrakul. But I was pretty nice on the mana curve. You know black has no good midrange drops. I was all you had.
Me: But this time around you cost considerably less. Only 3 mana. You are the second planeswalker to make this achievement. What do you think about that?
Lil: Jace was a little bitch that just drew cards and prayed for an answer. I do stuff.
Me: Like what?
Lil: Most importantly, I can protect myself. 3 mana for a Cruel Edict in standard is nothing to scoff at.
Me: I agree. But that's mostly because we are losing our best edict effect in years. Gatekeeper.
Lil: Well yeah, but thats different. First, I'll still be at 1 loyalty after I use my -2.
Me: Great, just a Gut Shot away.
Lil: Who uses that?
Me: I dunno.
Lil: Anyways, I also have the ability to gain loyalty by having both players discard a card.
Me: Both?
Lil: That's correct.
Me: But....I dont wanna?
Lil: I'm 3 mana! What else do you want? Besides, you can use this to plant stuff in your graveyard. I'm sure you are aware that Innistrad is a graveyard themed block. You could discard a Vengeful Pharaoh or a card with flashback.
Me: Or you could be helping your opponent do the same thing.
Lil: It's not perfect. But the important thing is you get to choose when it will happen. Therefore at the very worst it will just be a trade. More than likely it will be in your advantage.
Me: Fair enough. Now let's talk about your ulitmate.
Lil: Sure. Basically you get to put everything your opponent has in play, and put them into two piles. They get to choose one pile to keep and they have to bin the rest.
Me: So I could make them choose between all their lands and all their creatures?
Lil: Sure.
Me: Or half of their creatures and half of their lands?
Lil: Yes. It is your choice.
Me: Sweet. And I can pull this off in as little as 3 turns after you hit the board? That's pretty cool stuff.
Lil: Indeed.
Me: Where do you think you fit into the new standard enviroment? MBC? Splash into a control deck? White/Black Sun Titan deck? *crosses fingers*
Lil: Well, as this interview is being conducted, only 63 cards have been spoiled. You can bet on more cards to be in this set which will be used highly with me. So, I'd be hard pressed to make an assumption before the entire set is spoiled.
Me: Do you have any ablities that make me dinner?
Lil *Sigh*
Me: Well thank you for your time, Ms. Vess. I look forward to slinging you on tables all over the place very shortly.
Lil: I can't wait.
Me: I bet you cant you dirty little.....
Well *ahem* I guess that's all the info from the interview you will be needing.
So, what do you think of the new Liliana?